I stopped playing multiplayer games around the launch of mgsv, have played plenty of games since then and I have a lot of games waiting to be played. Their not even close to dying out, their not even slowing down, idk where you've been looking but plenty of single player games are a comin.
i-rock-socks' forum posts
My brother got a vita tv, I don't remember how he feels about it but I remember him bitching about it, sumthing about Netflix. Never cared about vita tv for the same reason I never gave a damn bout the pspgo, already have a vita.
I don't care if the system will blow ya. Wiiu was largely horrible. I will only get the nx after/if it becomes cheap, and then pre owned only. cause I refuse to give those Nintendo pricks anymore of my money after all their bullshit.
Cause they're good
I stopped buying em but they're still solid games.
People still like em and the dumb jackasses can't understand or accept that.
Don't like em? Fine, but ur just a jackass if u think it's some defect that drives people to buy said game.
That's why I hate SW, it's just jackasses being jackasses.
Sure, it's the "Xbros" or "stupid gamers" or maybe it's a solid shooter that has a loyal fan base
Journey, and a bunch of others I don't know the name of cause y would I waste timing learning the name of a game I'm not interested in. I'm interested (to atleast a small degree) in most games, except anything Nintendo has coming out for the next year r so, nothing against Nintendo, but I've seen their line up and I think it's crap
For me it's phantasy star online 2, but it may never come to the west so the wait is worse.
Kingdom hearts, ff7 remake, ff7 pc port on ps4, and doom 4 are also on my list but I can wait (especially since I'll I have to). I don't think of them on a regular basis. I search the web everyday hoping for a pso2 release date :/
What game/s release date would you like to know most.
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