@the_master_race: I don't really care if a games AAA, I was lookin more at games with more than 15mil sales. Not many pc's exculsives that sell more than 15mil that I saw, but I am using wiki so maybe the numbers r wrong idk.
@jereb31: I have to disagree on that last bit mainly cause comparing every individual console and the entirety of the pc's lifespan would not be more accurate or at least be misleading
@the_master_race: didn't think I had to say it cause I assumed it was implied but I meant that there aren't pc exculsives in the list of best selling games of all time, besides the sims. Not that there aren't pc exculsives period.
@GarGx1: actually no, your "evidence" actually proved my point, that none of those top selling games r pc exculsives except maybe 2. You will refuse to acknowledge my point, so why should I treat you like we're having a discussion? You'll never see my point cause ur an asshat. So I'm just gonna call u an asshat, cause ur an asshat.
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