For reasons I can't explain I came to this site for the first time in like 2 years, and read the frist ten pages of this thread.
You have the Pro-sport arguments -
sport def: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
exertion def: physical or mental effort.
If nascar, chess, and golf can be sports why can't video games not?
"sports" are games....
and for the guys saying "physical" what does that fall into?
Physical endurance?
the only thing that video games fall short on is strenght.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] If I played SC2 20 hours a da, had work out, eating and mental awareness ruitines created for me like the Koreans...then I would probably be good at SC2 as well..any game can be highly practiced and competititve this doesn't mean they are sports and such.
You do realise this is how atheletes train to right? They practice multiple hours a day....
except that they have talent. they have a knack for it. Tiger woods, Jordan, Sampras, etc. are not just "some kids" that practiced everyday and somehow became good at it.
can't say the same thing for Starcraft.
You're just being ignorant if you think that practice = success at SC2 or any other competitive video game.
What you are doing is basically applying a double standard.
Most of the flak giving to this is revolving around an erronous understanding of "sports" as well as general condescending ignorance.
Those guys usually have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Seriously just look at the posts in this thread.
You can play SC and smoke a cigar at the same time? Games don't require skill or coordination? Everyone can be good at games if they just practice?
There isn't a facepalm pic big enough to cover this. I would suggest these people to actually pick up a copy of SC:BW battlechest, and try to play it to win. They would realize that it's not as simple as clicking here and there once very 5 seconds with a beer in the left hand. Not only do you need exceptional hand-eye coordination, but you need the mental concentration to read your opponent, continuously control and produce units and making the right decisions in split-seconds.
Unless it's just a huge troll thing going on :?
You have the Anti-sport arguments -
[QUOTE="OneSanitarium"][QUOTE="lowe0"]In my book, if you can do something at a competitive level while smoking at the same time, it's not a sport.millerlight89
What competitive games CAN you do that for?
Uh any of them?Yeah. Sorry. Not a sport.TheMoreYouOwn
videogames aren't a sport
because it ain'tTessellation
My opinion -
Really both sides can be argued for, which is why this thread is 31 freaking pages long. The problem is that the people arguing for Anti-sport most likely have atleast a 30 point IQ disadvantage against the Pro-sport guys. Very few Anti-sport guys presented a reasonable counter-argument. Comments like these though
This is ridiculous. Games should not be considered sports.
Sport = a physical activity that requires athleticism
Game = a mentally focused activity in which strategy and planning is most important
I think that these two categories are hugely different, and should be classified as such. Chess should not be considered a sport. A highly competitive game? Sure. A sport? No.
By the way, I am in no way saying that by a game not being called a sport, it somehow requires less 'skill'. Chess requires TONS of brainpower.
However, I do think that gaming isn't quite there yet.
are totally valid and are good points as to why in their opinion games shouldn't be sports. Really, it's all based on your definition of sport and exertion. If you are using the definition of sport that is all physical exertion that's fine. If you don't think physical exertion meets the requirements of moving your fingers crazy f'in fast for starcraft that's fine too. But you guys had some pretty piss-poor arguments. Ones i didn't quote were like people who are good at videogames just train 20 hours a day, they aren't born with it. And Tiger woods was born with his abilities, no pro gamer was born with his, that makes it not a sport. I mean comon wtf are you guys thinking? That is such a ridiculous argument why would you even think that would hold water?
(btw i don't think videogames are sport ;) The term sport is used too loosely already. But if chess and competitive eating are sports why the hell not starcraft?)
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