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i_am_oracle Blog

hey Junebug!

at last school is (almost) over! and then i have to work, but why kill my own buzz? soon i will be able to sleep past 6 almost every day and make MONEY! i like money. i already have THE BEST JOB EVER (well not quite that would be being paid to eat chocolate, read, and watch TV) im working at the local farmers market selling croissants- 10 per hour plus tips. ah life is good.

ps the b-52s are the best band ever.

have a great summer folks!


I'm a Super-Friend! YAY!!!!!!!

And I got a 1490 on the SAT's my FIRST TRY!!!!! I never have to take them again!!!!!

And I made it into a local chamber orchestra!!!!! And I get PAID!!!!!!!!!

It's official: I'm awesome!

Blech who put asperagus in my cheese dog?

at least thats wat it feels like. junior year started today and

1)construction is nowhere near finished, which means they MOVED the BUS CIRCLE and im always going to be late to homeroom

2) no one told me theres no theory cl*ss, so to look good i have to scramble to find SOME cl*ss to fill my 1 1/2 study halls

3) the only 2 of my friends that actually paid attention to me in chorus dropped it to take AP chem

4) i only like a few people in my english cl*ss, and two of them are best friends (meaning they both ignore me while talking about clothes) and the other one barely talks at all. she's nice, though.

5) my physics cl*ss seems a lot like a slacker cl*ss and the only person i know and like in that cl*ss is the one i have to watch the republican jokes around. plus my former best friend who hates me is in it. plus we're in the former weight room, which, im sorry, still smells like BO. plus its really small and hot.

6) right after that i have lab 2 days a week. in the same room. *cant... breathe*

7) my spanish teacher doesnt believe in speaking english in cl*ss

8) i have one cl*ss by my locker.

9) im going to end up possibly skipping lunch half the days.

10) i didnt get the english teacher i wanted.

11) im going to spend 1-2 periods tomorrow changing my schedule.

theres more i just cant think of it. and i have a full day of school tomorrow.

Im back!

at least for now. im probably not going to be writing too many blog posts this school year- junior year. so i might get around to writing short posts but not many. this one is mainly to let you all know i havent dropped off the face of the earth. and im not lying in a ditch somewhere.

talk to yalls later!

Level 7!!!!

{this is mostly going to be a recap of my week}

I finally got to level 7: talk show host! if this were a video game that would be really lame, except for in Mario, but im really gettin up there now!!!!! soon i get to have big-girl pants!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!

My Amazing Weekend!

alright. im a little mad at amy, but she's really egotistical and etc., but... we have this band at church and she wrote a song about it. my besties come up to me after church on sunday, and they tell me this so that ill only be hurt and a little pissed, not hurt, surprised, and REALLY pissed (sause then i get a wee bit b!tchy.). anyway, amy want to do her song acoustic. that i knew. wat i didnt know was that she wants only alex, olivia, and her to sing it. not me. its not like im a bad singer or anything. im actually really good. but stupid, mean amy doesnt want me in the group. and the past few weeks she's been acting like im just the backup, which i am, but she doesnt have to act like it.

anyway, after that fun little church fiasco, i went to the movies with mandy and alex. we saw Pirates, and it was sooooo awesome!!!!!!! and they slept over and i went to their house the next day. and then i borrowed veronica mars season 1 (excellent!) and we went to band practice, where amy treated me like crap and did not mention the song.

Krista is a Psycho!

okay. so we're in choir, and we're talking, like normal, and she attacks me with a PURPLE CRAYON!!!! trying to draw on me. well she does and i hit her with my folder because it really hurt. and she was going for my face, most notably my eyes. so she grabs my folder, throws it, nearly hits Katy, and then keeps hitting me!!!! then we have to go sing, so they go out one way and, trying to escape her, I go the other way, trip over a chair and bruise my hip, then  have to stand 40 minutes with it hurting!


last one, i promise. unless you want to listen (read, watevs) me talk about mulch. well. i took the speaking part of the spanish regents on fri, and got 23/24!! yay me! 


Its......... Memorial Day Weekend!!!!! NO school til TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have an actual banner!!!!!!!!!! you may not be able to tell, but its Birds of Prey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And soon I will run out of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm wearing this shirt thatI painted on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this tiny plaid preppy skirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Boneheads unite!

season finale season finale season finale season finale!!!!! tonite im going to do the whole superfan thing and pop popcorn and... well i havent quite gotten past the popcorn yet but whatever i do, its gonna be cool. i was sooo crazy/happy/hyper i wrote "boneheads" on the back of my spanglish test and my teacher called me out on it in front of the whole class and they all looked at me funny and Kat asked me about it at the end of class like i was just such a dork (which i am) but all in all, SEASON FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont look now i stole a quizzy thingy!

from slayergirlkal

Which episode got you hooked on Bones? the first one i watched- at the urging of my english teacher- 1.04 The Man in the Bear

Top Fave Episodes: Girl in Refrigerator, Man in Fallout Shelter (Christmas Lung Fungus), The Man in the Morgue (Nawlins), Two Bodies in the Lab (Booth Blows Up), and the one where they go to Las Vegas. after that i lost track because of Lent.

Which guest character do you enjoy most?  Caroline (the Justice Department prosecutor)

Wong Foo's or Royal Diner? duh, Wong Foos. the guy has a knack.

Favorite quote: I don't know what that means! (i counted it 4 times in the first epi alone.)

Character you think you're most like: Bones definitely

Character other people tell you you're most like: Bones definitely once i didnt realize someone was talking to me and i just walked away. my friends got a kick out of that!

Character you never expected to like, but do: Hodgins

Character you want to have a one night stand with: Hodgins if he wasnt with Angela i cant compete with her!

Character you want to marry: Hodgins again.

pairing you LoVe: B/B, JAngela

pairing you dont LoVe: um Bones and that dude who killed his brother. nasty.

if you couldnt pick the usual pairings who would you pair? Zack & Angela

best thing about the fandom? i dont know what that means (told you so.)

worst thing? see above.

Fave fanfics? i dont read fanfics they would just confusticate me. but i sort of make up my own and find myself wondering, "wheres Ana?"

feel free to steal this if you havent already! 

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