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i_am_oracle Blog

im so bored

... that im on here and its after school in the library and i have to babysit when i get home but not before i finish watching House!

that was pointless

just one then done

Luke & Grace... boing boing boing (house)... crazy kool-aid!(NUMB3RS) give me a min just have to get this out... poke (Bones) lol i luuuurve tv... and also books... and comic books... wow i should really go to bed now.


LoVe is not dead! did u see his face? the baseball bat part was so awesome! & moe? wtb? 

wow ive really neglected my blog

i just realized that u cant actually tell anything about me from my about me. so.
15, female, USA, comic book geek (DC), am practically that dude from white&nerdy except with TV instead of computers, crazy obsessive, Methodist, like to think up ideas for books and then complain about how i havent finished (or started) them yet, my feng shui beats your feng shui, and i have the best board game in the world.
any questions?

Will they never stop?

Lieutenant Bubblesmith & Joe *Real Couple!!!!!! And so cute!*, me & Orlando Bloom... (hey, I can dream!), Wes & Fred, Garion & Ce'Nedra, Adara & Hettar, Barak & Merel, etc. etc...

And on the back...

 on the top...
write ur story always

and below that i drew a really awful flower & clockwise around that i wrote...

Wow i suck @ drawing flowerseseses heehee

After the Math Final

this is wat i wrote on my straightedge after i finished the math final yesterday... (it went in a spiral counterclockwise around the card)
bam kerfuffle frawsome random! Steak & Potatoes Let's go down the disco mnla Joe my imaginary pet octopus BoP saxa lol Ana DB & me 4ever never RENT! to any passing fad Viva La Vie Boheme Take me or leave me ur loss No day but 2day chickery chick pleeze buy a bunny i am unwritten 525,000 seasons of love 7th Day the FF dramamine drama queen wats my sin never quit this diva needs her stage XP

More 'Ships!

Ron & Hermione, Harry & Ginny, Sue & Jack, Xander & Cordy, Xander & Anya (hey, a guy can have 2 soulmates!) more to come...
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