Ok first off did you hear me say MS have no upcoming games ?. I stated that Micrsoft studios aren't making new franchises. Why do you think Phil Spencer said less 3rd party exclusives. I didn't say Microsoft wasn't bringing new games they are but by the way of 3rd party studios. Ppl are giving MS credit for exclusives when infact Sony are pumping out new 1st party fanchise for Western and Eastern gamers. From their own Studios not just relying on 3rd party developers for Exclusives like Microsoft at the moment.
Now I didn't say anything about XBox One or PS4 bringing or not bringing heat next year. I was merely stating how Microsoft have alot of Studios but they are'nt doing any new franchises, just sequels and remasters.
Microsoft listened to the gaming critics, professinal and actual fans of gaming XBox fanboys see nothing wrong with the current UI, lol. The new XBox One UI is clearly aimed to be more like the PS4's UI. Uncluttered and things are more convenient, if you are any of your MS/XBox One fanboys brethren claim different, it's a lie.
Now on to me loving Playstion, did I bash the XBox One" No". Do it have the games I prefer at the moment "No", does the PS4 do "Yes". By the way I own both consoles, for me personally Sony been making and bringing the games I'm more interested in so far. Horror/Mystery/Suspense/RPG. I don't do shooters or racers, so I only have DR3 and State Of Decay on my XBox One. Same goes for Sony shooters and racers I'm not interested in them.
I'm actually looking forward to Scalebound, Recore and Quantum Break. Those are the type of games I've been waiting for from Microsoft, more of my preference. For the entire 2015 Micrsoft released 1 remaster, 2 sequels, everyone that own an XBox One aren't fans of Gears, Forza and Halo. What exclusives can I pick up for my Xbox One this yr or last year, if I don't play shooters or racers ?.
I'll be glad when 2016 get here, my XBox One is starving for new franchise games. Having variety is far better than making nothing but sequels all generation long. Sony is by far better balanced when it comes to doing so.
Microsoft finally realizing they can't produce only sequels this gen, they have to focus mote on 1st party exclusives from their own devs. It's costing them to much money to fund games then buy the rights to these XBox One exclusives made by external studios.
But if the games are my preference, I'm buying, no matter if they're 1st party or 3rd party exclusives from Sony or Microsoft. I have the best of both worlds by owning both consoles. Which means I want miss out on any upcoming exclusive I may prefer.
Happy gaming times are head for both of my systems, I have no need to bash my XBox One or PS4. Neither one of them collect dust nor do I have buyers remorse of my XBox One. Because MS haven't produced the games I personally prefer until next yr. I knew eventually I would get the games I'll want to play on my XBox One. Next year my PS4 and XBox One will eat merely, lol. Sell your PS4 to a gamer that will put it to good use, no true gamer will ever hold a console hostage, you gaming poser....Hahaha.
Damn XBox Fanboys hating on Sony success but letting Microsoft off the hook. Microsoft is the cause of the XBox One not being able to compete with the PS4. Competitively since day one, Sony did they're part with their product. Microsoft had they're chance to make the XBox One equally successful as the PS4. But Microsoft arrogance and high price tag cost them, so XBox One fanboys shut the hell up stop the crying. Quit damage controlling and hold Microsoft 100% accountable.
@kentray1985: nonsense MS taking notes from Sony with the XBox One upcoming UI change. It will be simpler and more put together like the PS4's UI. The PS4 have a shit load of exclusives, infact Sony 1st party studios making new franchise games, Microsoft Studios lacking new ips. Those previous up coming new XBox One ips are 3rd party developed then brought by MS. As usual Microsoft Studios sitting around making sequels to old franchises that they should have laid to rest
@Scorptor: Totally opposite in my living XBox One starving for games. I prefer since last yr while my PS4 eating, lol. Hoping Recore, Scalebound and Quantum Break deliver. My XBox One in dier need of games I find interesting and those are the 3 I'm waiting on. Personally my PS4 has delivered, I've been disappointed in my XBox One so far.
@Bread_or_Decide: You're disdain for Sony's Success with the PS4. And constant praise for Microsoft climbing out feces they put themselves in with their arrogance at E2013, could have fooled me. Sorry, buddy you're a Microsoft fanboy nothing will make me see you any other way, lol.
@Bread_or_Decide: Why are giving the PS4 such a hard time ?. You know damn well MicrosoftMicrosoft Studios haven't dropped big name 1st party titlestitles in yrs. Halo, Fable, Forza and Gears sequels. Are the only thing coming out of Microsoft 1st party developers. The rest our brought from 3td party developers, dude you are clusless, lol.
Iambattlecry's comments