Man can't wait to play this game, Recore, CD3 and QB, lord knows my XBox One need it, lol. Sadly my drought will continue until next year, I have no interest in Halo, Forza or Tomb. Congrats and respect to my fellow gamers that love those titles, enjoy yourselves. But once again, Microsoft has left gamers like myself out in the cold this yr, smh hurry up 2016.
@obsidian_born: Speaking of sparse Microsoft only delivered 27-35 games this year. While Sony was able to delivered 100+ thise year. Microsoft give the Xbox One Forza, Halo and timed Tomb Raider for already established fan bases. And nothing else for the rest of us that don't like those games. Speaking myself personally, Microsoft exclusives have been sparse do to the fact of not delivering any thing I'm interested in besides Dead Rising 3, Sony has been the total opposite for me.
Until Recore, Quantum Break, Crackdown 3 and this game get official release dates. My Xbox One will continue it's year and a half exclusives drought. Micrsoft delivering 3 sequels towards the end of the year for old franchises. Nothing new since Sunset Overdrive, 9 or 10 months of nothing up until
But you only hitting Sony with Sparse label because of the holiday ?, while it's true Sony have no hoilday exclusives. But in fairness Microsoft big exclusive was Subset last October, man. Halo 5 October release will make an entire year Microsoft produce an exclusive. But you Xbox One fanboys throw the word "Sparse" around as if Microsoft haven't been Sparse themselves, lol.
@7tizz: And releasing sequels during the holidays for already established fan bases. Microsoft really give non fans of those games a lot to choose from for the holiday. Where are the new franchises for my XBox One that I'm interested in ?. Oh yeah!, way in 2016 Microsoft are only catering to Gears, Halo, Forza and Tomb fans with their holiday line up. I had my system for over a year and a half.
Microsoft have failed me so far as an individual gamer. Dead Rising 3 and Ori were the only 2 games I found interesting. SOD, TF, Ryse, Forza, Gears, Halo and KI aren't my thing. Unlike my PS4 my XBox One have no exclusives I prefer at the moment. I have been waiting too damn long for games like Quantum, Scale, Crack and Recore to come along. Purchased my Xbox One in 2014 and I have to wait until 2016 to get the games I prefer, Lol.
So being a gamer and owning both systems, I can make fair assessment of them from my experience owning both. I can even go on to say what's good about XBox One exactly good ?. Speaking for myself of course, do you know Microsoft only pumped out a measly 27 to 30 games for 2015 vs Sony's 100+.
On top of that and a 9month exclusive drought and sequels to old franchises I don't like, had me on the verge of selling my XBox One. But then MS show games like Quantum Break Scalebound, Crackdown 3 and Recore. I seen a little hope and decided to keep it, even so I have a long wait for those games and when they are released in 2016 they will be months apart from each other.
My post was long because I'm giving you my point of view as a disappointed Xbox OneOne owner. Do I like all Sony Exclusives, no I don't but at least they had a vareity of games to choose from this yr. Now if you aren't a Halo, Gears, Forza or Tomb fan, you are most definitely left on the outside looking in until 2016, smh.
@flakjackets Like ppl were flocking to the LaunchBox before all the free sh#t and price cut Lmao. At $499.99 didn't move to well,at $399.99 it moved a a few units. TO/SOD/CODAW ccouldn't push it pass the PS4 took free games $50 price cut,$50gift card and than some lol.
God damn remakes after remakes, leave that bullcrap to the Movie Makers. And spend that time making more Exclusives/Multiplats for my shinny new consoles.
Iambattlecry's comments