@nintendoboy16: Difference being that Sonic BOOM game was made by a poor studio and barely even worked. This game is made by a great Studio and you can really tell, its polished to the key. Plus its super fun.
@dogpigfish: Same, this game is addicting and the servers are staying full, so must not be just us. Plus this game has only released in US, so will get better.
@Supabul: But its not awful, many critics and fans love and are enjoying the game. Plus its bout to release overseas in France, Japan, Germany, etc. Barely anyone even bought Metroid Prime 3, Wii had an install base of 100 million and that game barely sold.
@Delston: She is so much in the story that it makes me sick. Its blah, blah, Samus Aran, blah, blah, blah, Samus, Samus, blah, blah, go help Samus, blah, blah, Samus saved your life, blah, blah, dont die and fail Samus, good luck unimportant solider who looks like Samus.
@AndreasRufus: Good thing is Japan loves handheld games and online coop. Will be a good test. But yeah, Japan doesnt seem to care for Metroid like US does.
@Delston: You play as a Galactic Federation Force solider, what better tie-in do you need? Also, many critics have praised this game. It got very mixed reviews. I dont think youll find a spin-off that matches so closely to its main game as Federation Force does.
@AndreasRufus: Yeah, most just hate it to hate it. Reminds me when the internet exploded and was mad Nintendo changed Metroid into a first person shooter. Internet cried at the reveal of Metroid Prime. Stating that Nintendo had ruined the series by not letting Sakamoto make the game.
Thats the thing with the internet, theyre all talk no walk. If you look at Federation Force reviews, it has more then Kirby Planet Robobot and Monster Hunter Generations bout combined. And those are very popular hot selling games compared to Federation Force that stores barely got copies and didnt advertise in retail store papers. Nintendo also didnt advertise it.
Yet some how that many people played and reviewed Federation Force? Yeah right, them crybabies rated it bad cause they cant live with different opinions. Its sad how low some internet people will go, but os well, we shall prevail.
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