@onlinevegabond: His kids are probably sad and depressed since he most likely forces them to play Vita while everyone else enjoys Monster Hunter on the 3DS in 3D. I feel sorry for them...id call child services if i could, but im not sure we have a solid case.
@elheber: They say Citizens of Earth is a neat poor mans Earthbound. Darksiders II is worth it i feel. I think you should do it and sell, trade, give away the rest. After the humble bundle is over you can sell what you dont want on ebay or something.
@Raidendude153: Shantae is an great platformer, and Affordable Space Adventures is a nice coop exploration game. One controls the ship and the other shoots. Its pretty neat. Either of those are worth the dollar alone. And just for those two games id pay the $13.
Thank you Nintendo, this is another great Humble Bundle. Sucks it wont count for Gold coins, but o wells. I guess ill pay $13 and get SFIV and Darksiders also, i already have them but could give, sell or trade the codes.
@longflopper: Thats true, Ouya makes digital games also. Maybe we will start to see some of those games reviewed too. This is good news for small developers.
iandizion713's comments