Hi all im looking fora new laptop and my buget is about 500 or 550 along with the basics I was also looking for a gaming capable one. When i say gaming capable I dont mean high-end just decent. It seemed a lot of games needed a good graphics card which laptops arent great for... the best card memory I could seem tofind was 256mb ATI graphics cards. I'm really really open to sugestions as i am certainly not experienced in this so plz help if u can thx
i tried the whole ICS thing but i couldnt seem to get it to work sence i only have a pc and a xbox if i could do it that way it would be nice but whenever i try to im ethier doing something wrong or not doing something because it wont work a step by step guide would be nice :D
I have a pc and a xbox right next to each other and a modem in between problem is i have to constantly plug and unplug cables and i cant get on both at once so i looked at routers and found this http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8741365&st=WRT54G&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1202648529130any recommandations? (my ISP is comcast with a 4.30 download speed and a 3.00 upload speed mbps)
i have a HP pavillon slimline and i already looked at some vedio cards and power supplies here are links: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817374002 and http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9267401&type=product&id=1218072179509 will this all fit and work in the small case? and if you know of better cards or power supplies please tell me thx :) 13 x 10.9 x 4.2 inches i only want a power supply that has around 350W the model is a s3020n
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