@IGFGAThrawn @icebox98 look dude, i realy wanna know whats the real story behind this rumor before i throw away my money and finding out that this games only aim is some anti-christian contravrsy.
i like games that make me feel attached to the character , thats why i cant stand a game that makes me fit in the shoes of a character whos designed to make religion (expecialy christians) to look like the cause of evil and hate it more when it feels like a god mocking purposed game. according to some of the news, this game is exactly what ive just described. no offence if u dont believe in god..........
i just wanna hear something from someone (preferably someone with an idea about god) whos played enough to know if its really that offensive and what the negative rumor is about
BTW,i dont really care bout the racial part, and the game is looking great
now i know why that guy almost quit. sad thing he dint. im no fan of extremists but if it goes that far, then this game is realy not for me......... Whats worse? the blogger mentions about atrocities as a person who knows God is real.
dont know bout u guys but i dont wanna have 1 more crazy idea about God simply coz of a game i soo much would have loved to play. i hope the old ones are worth trying cos sadly, i have to pass on this one even if its the only bio-shock game that got my attention.
@C4N4D14N_DR34M @queuing_for_PS4 hahaha! this is a sick joke ryt? even if lara is a girl, TR feels better and at-least an original idea compared to the lara wanna be Uncharted. Uncharted is just more epic because all they had to do was, think of a story and make a graphics engine, the rest is just about tomb raider (i bet they even got the sinking ship idea from TR underworld,lol)
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