"I've been thinking a lot about this today and I realized, when I called her today and she didn't pick up, that didn't mean anything. I shouldn't be freaking out over the fact that no one picked up the phone this one time. They could have been out doing a family christmas thing and left her cell at home for all I know. I feel like this is something that I should have in the bag. Tomorrow I'm going to call again at the exact same time that I called the last time she answered and she's going to pick up the phone and I'm gonna tell her where we're going and we're gonna have a completely awesome first date. I'm not going to end up as some lonely neckbeard who pisses in a cup next to his computer and starts crying whenever a girl talks to him, dammit.
Also, bowling date = insta win"
Well guess what? I called her back today just like I said i would at the exact time that I said I would and you know what? She picked up. I told her where we were going and when we would go and she said she loves bowling.....LOVES bowling and that we could go next week.
What is some music that you consider to be epic? I'm talking about music that fills you with the desire to kick ass! If you ask me, I'd say Two Steps From Hell. They're epic!
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