Dang! I don't know but if it is it's a sexy looking handheld.
iggystar71's forum posts
I still have my doubts that I won't get sick playing this thing. There are some people whose motion sickness is a big issue, like my daughter and I. Even if it's not technology common to the movies out, I highly doubt it won't make a stomach churning experience for some.
Not everyone is jazzed about 3D and hopefully there will still be a market for 2D handheld gaming.
Hey, 34 is NOT middle age! I'm almost 40 and just because I need a larger screen to see (lol) doesn't mean I'm old.
Thanks for the review, btw.
Just asking...is there a reason you wouldn't just get a DSLite since your child is so young? It's not like she'd be savvy enough to compare the screen size. Unless you're looking for downloadable content, then it's understandable.
My daughter was wicked hard on her original DS and I did the screen protection and everything.
so if the resolution is 480x320 or 320x240 will it effect graphics much? I can't see nintendo going over 480x320
Well considering that the screens on the current DS are just 256x192, even 240x230 (eg. 480x320 in 3D) would be an improvement. And I believe the sharp technology at least can give you the full display resolution in 2D mode.
Yea i'm hoping i can turn it off
I think it may be cool for games like Ace Attorney, MillionHeir, Trauma Center, Professor Layton but games like Sonic Rush, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, i don't see an immediate enhancement for those titles from 3D, but i'm not against them finding some crazy cool way to work it in
I'm beginning to think its more likely this will have Tegra 2. I certainly hope so
I'm hoping they you can turn it off as well. If so, I'd just have to see if the resolution is so much better than the DSi to determine if it would be worth me to upgrade.
Dude, that's amazing. This is the first time I could wrap my brain around the possible concept of what the 3DS might have to offer. On the down side, I had an immediate physical reaction to looking at those pictures. No seizure or anything, just the nauseousness related to motion sickness. It took seconds. I'm in big trouble if this is the future of gaming. As it stands I'm only playing puzzle and adventure games with very little camera movement. I guess eventually I'll have to sit down with a paper Word Search and call it a day. :(
Hey, can I link that Jurassic Park picture on another forum?
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