Super Swing Golf was the only other game worth owning ATM/IMO.Trauma Center was good too, though I played it on DS already.Everything else was nothing-new/not-that-good/too-short-for-more-than-a-rental.
Meh... its got some decent action sequences. I got to see it for free once and really have no desire to see it again.It's really only worth a purchase for FF7 diehards.
I'd consider the Dreamcast a flop, but it was an amazing system with amazing games.PS3 could be a steaming load of brown poop for all I care, if it plays FFXIII and MGS4 (read: the games I want) it will be worthwhile.Sorry, but I'm a hater hater.
But you really didn't give any real reason why they would port it."Yeah... Capcom's been making a few random multiplatform games. Therefore, DMC4 on Xbox360."Uhhh...
YES! I'm so pumped. At first I was unsure about PSP, but lately its been nothing but good games and good news.FFT is my favorite RPG. PSP remake F T Ux2
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