i love dark souls. its the most perfect game of my life! it makes me feel more alive( by dying all the time=) ) its dark! and it has soul! DARK SOULS! it keeps you on your toes, and makes you curious what will happend next, or what you will find..
@Kristhomas123 @RyogaRod ps4 is a gaming console. not like xbox one. everybody is buying ps4 because they are afraid that ps4 is going to be out of stock..=)
i cant see why people are angry that dark souls has not the greatest graphics. skyrim in my opinion has worse graphics thtn dark souls.. skyrim looks lika a black and white movie..
dark souls is ment to be rusty, but skyrim , its no fun to walk around in black and white. skyrim there its more important to have great graphics, becauase you look at the scenary the most of your time in the game.
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