igoraraujo's forum posts
OMG dude, I have had the same thing happen to me and my best bud. He just got Live and just like you I am using a Linksys router + the wireless adapter, we both have the exact same internet service yet every game we try to play either nothing happens or it says our connections are not compatible! We also cannot chat, I havent tried MSN but other than that I am experience the same things as you. I thought I was alone on this.1_Hit_Killer
it sucks major!!! but, its good to hear that we are not the only ones and that MS might be aware of that and there MIGHT be a fix... lets just wait.
its kinda funny how we both share the same problems with the same setup. it shouldnt be happening, though
well, i've had gold subscription since day 1 of 360 and never had that problem before.
i have the 360 wifi adapter connected to a really good hi-speed internet connected to a wifi router (linksys, never had a problem with the connection). NAT is open and lag for me was never a problem.
my friend just got a 360 and he has is connected wired to a linksys wired router to a good hi-speed internet as well. his NAT is open as well but the problem is that WE CANT DO ANYTHING TOGETHER!!! we cant private chat (he/me accepts invitation then we wait and nothing else happens), we cant invite each other to private OR public games (same thing, he/me gets invitation, accepts it, then we wait and nothing happens). the only way of communication is by windows live messenger, audio message (sending audio messages back and forth) and text message (on the 360, of course).
am i the only one seeing this? im thinking it has to do with the holiday problems that Live is goin thru since i never had that problem before and he just got the 360 for xmas.
can ANYONE help me here? this is really frustating... lowers the fun level for both of us and im sure anyone else with the problem.
thanks for ur time and support, whoever reads my cry for help
its actually worse. i cant even see marketplace rite now. only that little loading xbox logo....
i hate live rite now.
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