Step One: Make an ignorant, condescending, uninformed article about ME3's ending and make sure to post passive-agressive insults against people who disagree with you.
Step Two: Pretend you haven't read any of the arguments people critical of the ending have put forward and instead counter imaginary arguments that you say they have made(even though nobody hasn't), which you have actually created in your head
Step Three: Generate controversy and get thousands of comments and millions of page views.
Hm, watching this video made me realise something that surprised me. Video game critics/journalists piss me off, and I have no desire to hear their opinion on anything anymore, even if I agree with it. After the ME3 ending debacle, they made it perfectly clear that they view themselves as seperate from the stupid, unwashed gamer masses and they have honestly completely compromised their authority in my eyes.
I just cannot respect them even a little bit after that.
@WizardGlass On that note, you may want to stop making yourself look like an elitist prick Seriously, show some courtesy to your oponent when arguing about something. I agree with you and I still think you're obnoxious,
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