does anybody want to do some boosting to try and get some of the harder shadowrun achievements such as godlike???
ihateyou_right's forum posts
I don't stand in line either - I just pre-order them. But if you don't pre-order a game like Halo 3 - don't expect to even see it anywhere for at least the first week. Not saying you won't - there are always exceptions, but I'd be surprised.
Even Gears of War had lines for 4 or 5 hours before it went on sale - not just at Walmart, but at every reseller in the area. Halo 3 will no doubt have a bigger following than Gears did initially - so good luck! :)
I went out on the day halo 2 was released and managed to pick up a limited edition copy from the first shop I went into and all the others I went into hads it in stock as well, it was the same with gears of war I walked into the shop and picked up the limeted edition of that as well on its first day of releas, truth is games hardly ever sell out in fact I'm yet to here of a game selling out (when it's just the disc, and on modern consoles) these days mass production is so easy that they can make more than enough copies of a game to go around.
Amped 3 - 6.5 (i think)
God it deserves less than that, it's so awful, my little brother wanted it....
Amped 3 wasn't so bad you just needed a sense of humour to really enjoy it.
I fort it was more like 5000-8000JayJog
I think your about right because there are more casulalgammer out there with small gammer scores and there are not as many people with gammerscoremore than 10000 to 20000 than you may think
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