cod 2 multiplayer is really good would have been nice if there were more people per each game but either way its an amazing game online and in my opinion better than the third.
I don't get why people expect to like every single game that other people like. People are constantly making topics like "XXX overated because I don't like it@@@".
Anyways, Halo was revolutionary because it was the first console shooter to play as good (and in the same basic style) as Pc shooters.
I like the way you put it and your right not every one likes the same games end of.
You should be alright with the cables it comes with, although by screen if you mean monitor there is a chance you may need some more cables. There arn't any extra's that you need to buy but I would recomend a play and charge kit so that you dont have to keep buying batteries for your wireless pad. Games wise it depends what you like and if your getting xbox live as well, if your getting live get R6V and gears of war, and if no live get gears of war and saints row or crackdown.
The thing about crackdown is that there either love em or hate em games, Im not to keen on crackdown myself and belive that it is far more appreciated than it should be however lost planet is pritty good it brings new ideas to the table and so deserves alot more appreciation than it has recieved, although not as much as chromehounds.
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