Well seeing as it's only a rumor I really hope its not true I do quite like need for speed buts the driving in those games is anything but sim they would have to do so much to change it.
RAINBOW SIX'S co-op really isnt too great but it works nicely although I really couldn't see it lasting too long, kameo is pritty good on co-op I enjoyed it although it doesnt really add anything new in the co-op just go through the main part of the story together. Marvel ultimate alliance is also very good and acctually makes a good use of co-op it works well and the game is fun if a little repetative at times as it is basicaly a scroll beat em' up, however if you do have online go for crackdown there is sooo much fun to be had in co-op on that game there is just sooo much to do and mess around with.
what??? theres a robot that can complete it for you that just ruins the achievements and the game, has anyone got a link to it Id like to see what it looks like I cant imagine it.
Only played the demo of CC3, and I have to say it is pritty good hwever I just prefer shooters and Lost planet aint bad really it just takes a bit of getting used to I didn't like it instantly but after a while it grew on me.
The 360 elite hasn'e even been officialy annoced for anyware else apart from the USA at the moment but my guess would be about £300-£400 if it ever did come out in europe.
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