I watched a review for Ubuntu 11.10 (it was uploaded in 2011 so maybe a newer version came out since then) and it looked pretty polished for being free. Aside from a few bugs, it was described as being a pretty solid and fast OS. Actually, any bugs since then have probably been patched in system updates. I also heard Ubuntu gets very little viruses.
Now this peaked my curiosity about Linux in general. If I were to switch to Ubuntu, or anything Linux... would it basically be a death sentence? Would things like Steam games, installed games off a CD (I assume they're all made for Windows, unless it says otherwise), or online games simply not work anymore? Most of the programs I use right now seem to only ever have Windows or Mac download options. Almost never Linux, or even something as specific as Ubuntu for that matter. I'm worried that the software would be so different that nothing would work.
Was Linux kind of sort of based off of Windows or Mac in such a way where most of this kind of stuff still works? Or is it so totally different and obscure that most of what I use would simply cease to function due to compatibility? Stuff like Skype, MSN Messenger, Winamp/itunes, online game clients, etc. I'm considering switching to a good Linux OS if and ONLY IF it has no compatibility issues like this. I mean, I run Windows Vista Basic, and without any cash to buy Windows 7, a fancy polished free OS is looking mighty tempting.
Just your thoughts on this or any advice. Thanks.
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