Of course thwy won't charge extra characters "-.- how else are you going to play againts others using them then ? But don't worry, there are many ways in which game companies are trying to lure us into spending more money these days
Also plese do not forget "include the rest of the world in the services offered on Xbox live and don't let them wait months for releases and services that were already available in the US" , this especially applies to Japan
"You can ... you must... you should" , who exactly are you talking to ? XD are you waiting for some guy to show uop in the comments and say "Hi, I'm Bill Gates, and I approve" , lol
Great show guys, however I couldn't hear very well what you were saying around minute 8, maybe your microphones went a little crazy ? Anyway I would totally reccomend the game "Ninja Chop", which isn't very recent, but maybe it's the kind of game you are looking for XD
@oldschoolvandal When it came out the first lost planet was a great game, also one of the first japanese shooters with online on the 360, also in the colony edition of the game there was an online mode were players could be the giant badass monsters and play against other human players. The 2nd one really sucks though, not the general idea, but they just killed and screwed up the gameplay so really bad.
So, I, who am a fan of the series which started on the 360, still own the limited edition AND colony edition of the first game, won't be able to play it ?Let the middle fingers raise
@Hydrafiend It is fun, until you find yourself using the same class over and over to farm gold on firebase since you earn like 3 times more credits, you buy ther classes and stuff, and then you realize there are exactly 3 characters worth playing/way better than the others: salarian engineer, geth , asari adept, The rest of them may be even moren fun to play, but they have such screwed up stats and powers they are just not worth it, I challange anyone to finish gold usind the Drell, it has kickass flying chuck norris kicks, but they are useless, I would definitely use him though if he had a laser katana or better: laser nunchucks. I have to say hower that DLCs are very cool, and if this one is free I may want to give it a go.
Anyway Japanese developers don't seem to agree on the idea of multiplayer, as sadly, it often sucks. Few examples: Resident Evil 5 pvp, Lost planet 2, lack of friend co-op in Dark Souls (yes , it's just ment to be this way, but it just feels like a sociopaths multiplayer). Most of the times they just add leaderboards only to add an online feature, but most of the times they suck too, as they only show a meaningless score and you just couldn't care more.
I have Vanquish, and I stopped playing after the 3rd chapter cause I had recently bought Dark Souls. Funny how things turn out. I totally agree, multiplayer in Vanquish "could" have been awesome. The campaign also doesn't seem to be very long, even though it's amazing
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