ilikegodofwar21's forum posts
Dang! The PS3 can take a lot more than I expected.....but they never tested to see if it would read the disk >_>
So maybe my ps3 isn't doom are the reasons
* Traveling a few miles every weekend than coming back on Monday while putting my PS3 in a bag inside the trunk which is has little space left and a bumpy ride
* a long airplane ride to Los Angeles ( when I live close to the border to Mexico ) when my PS3 is in a bag with even less space than having to come back.
* Bringing it to a friends house who has a sister that has VERY bad temper tantrums.....and his house is messy
* and just very bad clumsiness.....I broke my PS3 controller because I accidental let it fell from a high place to a hard ground.
Yea.......I should have expected this.
Well.....actually, by the time this happened, my PS3 was already close to being destroyed, it was dirty, some of the parts fell off or began to, and even my sixaxis was nearly broke ( the part that held the R1 R2 buttons was broken off, it still worked, which I found a miracle ).
Maybe I should try again, get a new PS3, and next time I won't treat it so badly.....btw don't ask how it got to that point.
Polo and everyone else who might be outraged at this, it's just a review. As it was already said, you should have expected something like this. I guessed they would rate this around 6 out of 10, and I was close.
Also Polo, I can tell you why you shouldn't care about their review anyway, but not here. You know where to ask if you want to still know...
And that goes for anyone else too. GameSpot would ban whoever they wanted to for stating the truth about their ways...
[QUOTE="Iceferno"]I don't think there's been a game that's been so near to 10 since Perfect Dark on N64. That gets a 9.9 on here..._Drago_
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Those got perfect scores from them, and it's absolute BS...
I really wish I could say why those games got perfect scores, besides the fact they are massively overhyped, but see the first part of the message for why I can't say...
I agree......except of maybe MGS4.
Than again....I am the biggest fanboy of
But ya, I mean, this game deserves a 7 at least!
I have one... me and steam have a love/hate relationship though, I like how you can download a lot of things at cheap prices, but it takes forever just for me to download a DEMO.
Oh, but my steam accont is Revolver_Dragon
Ok, here you go
Personality: I'm mostly a loner and quiet guy, but around friends I become open and talkative. I'm positive and optimistic, being mostly calm and normal during many big crisis, but when I do break, I turn suddenly to moody, violent, and negative. I like to joke around, but sometimes I can be a bit extreme in my jokes. I have an obsession with cleaning stuff even if they only have just a small blemish, like glasses ( Oh I think I forgot to say that I have glasses ), swords, and armor.
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