ill001's forum posts
Honestly, it just sounds like you're not an RPG fan. You're in the wrong genre for your attention level.
In order to enjoy a good RPG, I dare say one has to be somewhat of a bookworm. You have to enjoy storytelling, and want to be immersed in the world you're thrown into. Whereas you sound like the type who wants to shoot baddie after baddie with no story, or minimal artistic backdrop.
To each his own.
It's like being a kick ass, crime fighting super hero.
Dude, you can leap from building to building, and throw cars at people. Enough said!
Not at all meant to annoy anyone.
It was created to place Commander Shepard's foot directly onto Master Chief's neck; where it belongs. He owns him, IMO.
Before the flames start, please, hear me out.
Commander Shepard is the savior of the galaxy. Master Chief is also the savior of the galaxy. However, with Shepard, you're allowed to choose your own path in a way never demonstrated before. You can be savage, or sympathetic. Befriend or betray. Shepard shows his face because he dares the universe to stop him. Master Chief wears a helmet at all times, to prevent any alien debris from possibly irritating his eyeballs.
Master Chief has the worst voice ever. I always thought that Marcus Fenix should have been the voice for Master Chief. He just sounds too soft to be dependable. If he's going to have that debris deflecting helmet permanantly gorilla glued to his neck, the least he could do is add some kind of voice modulator to make him sound bad ass. On the other side of the spectrum, Shepard can not only switch appearance, and voice, but also sex if the need be. Score one for the Commander.
Shepard plays by his own rules. Chief follows the guidelines as set forth by the military. Even if he gets a gut instinct, he ignores it in an effort to "stick to procedure". Shepard shoots human and alien alike on pure inkling alone. Nobody gets in the way of Commander Shepard's primal instincts. Not even Master Chief.
Hence, in my opinon: Commander Shepard is a far better hero than Master Chief.
^ I.P. Traced
Police on the way.
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