@enoughofthis @bunchanumbers Of course he doesn`t, let`s never break the vicious circle, as if, you become an outlaw for a hobby, not because you`ve fallen into a trap. Believe it or not some really are underprivileged and their choices arren`t so varied.
I really don`t get all the hate. Most of us were driven forward by the story and hidden goodies, not the gameplay. Gameplay wasn`t anything ground-breaking and due to the wider setting, it made things a little too easy, but you can always unlock the 1999 mode. Overall, this was one hell of an immersive game, loved it.
Sure, blame video games, blame music, guns, hell...blame anything you can think of but the answer is POOR FUCKING PARENTING. You can protect your children by being a good parent instead of breeding and then letting your offspring be nurtured by the media. Fucking idiots. Stricter gun laws won`t hurt either.
ill7ven's comments