incredible interview. i loved the last part about ellie's AI issues. i tend to give tons of forgiveness for hiccups with the AI. i can't imagine all the lines of code needed to work together or separately at any given time. so yeah once in awhile the 4th wall was broken, but i always laughed at ellie if she was just running around not hiding from enemies. i mean, come on. anyone from the 8-bit era or earlier should just be amazed at the technological advances we have now.
if this had EA stamped on it, GS wouldn't even think about making it a 1.0. not defending this broken non-entertaining game, but there's no reason for the lowest score. it should be reserved for games that literally damage your hardware.
this review is very true.. i'd say a few hours into it you feel it should deserve about a 7.5, then you see the giant mountain ahead and say, "ehhh, it ain't worth THAT." -uninstall
rift is currently the best free-to-play game, in my opinion, because of how using the cashshop NEVER gives you a power advantage. gw2 is great keeping fair as well, but needs a LFG tool BADLY.
i played through it the past two nights. even if you played the original cga/monochrome version back in the day, along with the vga remake, it's worth romping through in 1080p. the voices are nice, i really like the hand drawn artwork, and the gui is fine.
hopefully the sales from this will get ol' al lowe thinking of making a true sequel.
@Divisionbell don't expect roberta williams to do what al lowe is doing.. i'm pretty sure her and ken are enjoying retirement. :D
iloveyourface's comments