[QUOTE="im-so-trunk"]right.....just like when their servers went down after christmass??? One major hiccup in 5 years is pretty damn good if you ask me. Besides that whole thing was way blown out of preportion, alot of gamers didn't even notice the outage, and everyone was given something in return for it. XBL players are mostly young people and they feel entitled to something when and outage like that happens, but in real life things don't work that way, XBL ddn't have to give everyone a free game but they did it because they're nice like that. It's good customer ervice, alot of companies wouldn't do it. My iPOD broke and I sent it to be fixed I had to send it back 3 times because they kept getting my inscription on the back wrong, each time it took 2 weeks to come back. Apple gave me nothing for there mistake. I recently had a cable box put in front of my hose on my lawn, it's ugly and annoying, Verizon gave me nothing for having it. Should you get what you pay for? Yes, but rarely does it happen in life. I think XBL is one of the rare things that gives you what you pay for, and attempts to correct itself when it doesn't.The answer to this can be sumed up in one word really, quality. People don't mind paying for a quality experience and that's why XBL works, thread over.
im-so-trunk's forum posts
The answer to this can be sumed up in one word really, quality. People don't mind paying for a quality experience and that's why XBL works, thread over.
People here are so married to the sales of games, it probably hurts some of them to think that one of their best selling exclusive games is a sports. And to be honest I think EA always made top notch baseball games, when I see how far the show has come it makes me wonder where MVP could be, alas it's another casualty of business.Might break some hearts? :?
In all honesty I think it's these franchises that matter more to a casual and establish themselves as a selling point then other exclusives, it's the establishing of a strong game like this that appeals to a much more mass audience that can end up really mattering. While it might break some hearts and most certainly some people here won't follow into the category, MLB games do have a larger audience then most exclusives, and alot of the games end up bing more critically well recieved. MLB 08 is one of the best recieved PS3 exclusives ever, I give the PS3 props there because it is an enviable game.
Ok so I find JRPG's boring but it doesn't mean it doesn't hold some weight, I realize that such liscenses are very important even if I do not feel like they apply to me. Sports games are important
I own a 360, PC and a Wii. I've previously said I like the PS3 and want one some day but at the moment it's price and library really to seem to cohesivey justify each other. I must say though recently a game has come out exclusively on Sony platforms that has really made me want a PS3. Thae game I'm talking about is MLB 08 The Show, this game is arguaby the most well put together exclusive the PS3 has. The game seems to slip through the cracks here for a couple of reasons I think, partly because console specifc sport game seems alien and probably because sports games in general are scoffed at here with some people. I in all honesty beliee though that MLB 08 is the overall most well rounded PS3 exclusive it's done well in every review, and there seems to be little controversy about it's scores. Your thoughts?
[QUOTE="Samwel_X"][QUOTE="im-so-trunk"] "Penisphilopious" MissRiotmaker
Oh... my... God.
That's like saying you got gonnaherpesyphilaids. :rolleyes:
Just leave, I've encountered girls like yo my entire life. I'm just a joke to you because I don't have what you do. Why don't you just leave already
[QUOTE="im-so-trunk"][QUOTE="Lorindol"][QUOTE="im-so-trunk"][QUOTE="CheeChee_Macko"][QUOTE="im-so-trunk"]You see my condition often leaves people to believe I'm ugly with really not getting a chance to know me.MissRiotmaker
Condition? What kind of condition?
It's going to sound like a joke, but it's really not. I was born with as a female essentially, but below my waist I don't have what girls have, I have what guys do.so you're a hermaphrodite or a chimera? And who cares as long as you are nice
Those are close to what I have, but not really. My condition is far more rare, it's called "Penisphilopious" (sp?) it's nto very well documented it apparently effects very few people.And the lie asplodes. Thanks for taking up our time.
If you're jsut going to mock me you can leave, you have no idea what it feels like to cry yourself to sleep because you don't have a vagina
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