@Seshohama "I don't know where you're getting my assumptions from. I never said anything about all Nintendo games."
Yeah, that came out wrong on my part. I was just talking about this game and i kinda went into rant mode.
And how does Sony sites bashing Playstation All-Stars help your argument that its not a 'conspiracy' that sites who cater to Nintendo gave ZombiU critical acclaim?
Not the site bashing the game, but the site being bashed for giving it a high score. I go to a lot of gaming sites and i was really excited for the all stars reviews when the game came out. Every Sony site that gave the game an amazing score got the same "they were paid, it's a sony site bla bla bla."
Not really there to help my own argument. I guess i'm just getting tired of sites dedicated to a company being discredited simply because they are a dedicated site.
@Seshohama You do know that Nintendo sites give games bad reviews as well, right? So the good reviews are a conspiracy because the site has Nintendo in the game, but the bad reviews are what? I'm not saying that those dedicated sites don't do that, but you can't just assume that every good score on a Nintendo site is because it's a Nintendo game. Maybe they liked the game.
Same thing happened when All stars came out. Every Sony site that gave it over a 7 was bashed.
The game is averaging a 75 or something Metacritic. That is pretty good to me. It doesn't have to be be a 9 to get my money. I don't have a Wii U yet, but i'm constantly playing my neighbors and i don't think ZombiU is a masterpiece, but it is certainly revolutionary to the survival horror and/or Zombie genre. The element of fear is back, the difficulty is back, and it really tests you instead of handing you 10 greneads, an m16, and a rocket launcher.
It will help the genre and it also isn't a bad game at all. It just isn't the Resident Evil 4 of the Wii U.
im2cool123's comments