people keep complaining about the size of the controller even if this is not the article topic. everyone whop has used the controller says: this is very comfortable, or a great controller. everyone who has not used the controller: wtf, this is so uncomfortable.
2012: the year the the global gaming IQ fell to an all time low
no back on topic. you do not need multi touch because the controller has buttons as the main controls unlike most phones, and tablets where the touch screen controlls everything. you will use the touch screen in game, but it is not the main controls. take a clue from the developers. they seem perfectly happy with the gamepad. this is just like the size of the controller issue that i talked about. developers love it, and but gamers who never used it hate it because they seem to think they already know everything about. i cannot even explain it as it is just too ridiculous
@danusty @joujou264 smart glass is just using a tablet that you have to give you extras in the game. it is not a controller nor is the idea designed around the console itself. smart glass is pretty much an app. so basically with smart glass you can use a 360 controller, and a tablet to play. all you have to do is put down one of them and swap with the other throughout gameplay. wtf is microsoft thinking
@PS2fweak mario galaxy 1 and 2. monster hunter tri, muramasa the demon blade, no more heroes 1 and 2, metroid prime 3, xenoblade chronicles, tatsunoku vs capcom, LOZ TP, and LOZ SS, donkey kong country returns(fantastic title), red steel 2, super smash bros brawl, sin and punishment, rune factory, kiryby return to dreamland, zak and wiki, golden eye, epic mickey, mad world, resident evil 4, godfather black hand editio, silent hill shattered memories,okami, endless ocean, mario kart, little kings story, guilty gear, battalion wars 2, trauma center series. these would be just a few of my favorite wii games. these are some great games on the wii that were are critically acclaimed titles. big loss if you did not pick these up
@swyg Is Nintendo really that naive to believe that any group of people are willing to work together for a common goal regarding entertainment purposes?
@Anonrickroll1 i never said i was butthurt. i would have to say it for it to be true. having any emotion on a strangers opinion is no indication of anything. all it means is that i do not know you. what am i desperate about? is it wrong to be desperate in trying to open up the eyes of someone who takes technical advice from 2nd graders?. you should have seen this stuff coming with your comment.
@lm316 gimmicks make money, and the main point of creating video games. i'm sure sony is very pleased with losing money on every ps3 and vita sold. they catered the a certain crowd and failed financially. if you offered them all the money they lost if the created a wii u type machine, then they would ditch the "core" gaming crowd in seconds. it makes me sad to be part of a gaming community that gives money making ideas a negative name.
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