@P00DGE: Your comment is like Don M saying "You want to play 360 games? Then buy a 360". If you don't see the issue with that type of comment, then I just do not know where gamers heads are at today. This is nothing like trying a MOBA, MMO, etc.
Once upon a time games like B4B had AI, Bots, etc. for those that did not want to play online. The original Star Wars Battlefront games were epic scale battles.... that you could play with AI only. See what I am getting at? Choices are good.
@rodoxthedark: You do know there is a whole community that still plays L4D yes? Among other old games. Hell there's a whole community that plays old online Ps2 games through emulation online still. As for a better version being out in 10 years, how old is L4D2 before we got a successor?
imajinn's comments