@leonard14121071: Hardly runs games from previous generations? What are you on about? Previous as in before ps4? Because all my ps4 games run perfect on ps5. And never did Sony state the 5 would run previous generations before the 4.
@dcole001: I doubt they've even addressed that issue. That's literally on almost every website. If its not bought, it's free game. The scalpers will be all over it and the people who actually want one for themselves, most of them, will get the same shaft as before.
I'm surprised this is even an article. An illegal business making headlines like it should be the normal.
This happens every gen. Its just amplified now because of Covid online only shopping. Going up against the bots is futile unless you also are using a bot or get extremely lucky.
And people prove again and again, they will pay any price for a hot item. The must havers.
This online selling only was a bad move. People were still flocking to stores. Hell that's how I got my PS5, the old fashioned way. A little luck and getting up early day after release to stand at Target.
Tell people not to buy from scalpers. Problem is, they ain't gonna listen.
imajinn's comments