@notafan: I guess I'm just old fashioned in that sense. I've always purchased consoles for the games they had. TG16 for Bonks, Legendary Axe. Genesis for Golden Axe, Altered Beast. You get what im saying. With MS I've found myself playing the games through the PC rather than the console. Graphically that would be the best choice.
I've owned all the MS consoles in the past due to the games they've bought out that were just on those consoles. I personally can't justify buying the next one when I can just game pass on the PC.
@notafan: Who is a lot of people? Lol. And weaker as in what? Definitely not exclusives. Graphics and power are great if you have the games behind it. If not......
Does anyone ever actually win? I never see "so and so won" its gotten to feel like they just want everyone to follow em everywhere lol. I'm probably wrong but throughout the years I've never seen an announcement winner.
Cool idea and all but unless the engineering on the console UI is better, I can't see it happening without everything sticking/freezing. We all know how the X1 can be trying to do multiple things on it. I hope that idea can happen and at a very smooth pace.
imajinn's comments