WB is making bad tastes in everyone's mouths. Honestly with all this crap I really don't think I'm going to pick any NRS games up after this. The rewards are miniscule for such a heavy grind to boot. But if you want to just go and buy the stuff and avoid the grind, well there you are.
@jcwainc: Agreed!! I mean yes there are some insane tower hard ass battles, but learn the patterns right? The one hit death Shaokahn fight for example. While yes it took me some tries, but once I figured out what his setup was, it was more than doable.
Some these days just can't get with it. Not all, but definitely some.
@Richardthe3rd: Haha I totally understand. It is fun but I'll be honest. There are tons of hair pulling towers. And the rewards are pretty unbalanced. Actually very unbalanced. If you pick it up, or when you pick it up, that should be patched. According to NRS
@lonesamurai00: I can totally dig that. And yes I love Japanese fighting games as well. As far as MK 11 goes, the story was loads of fun to play/watch. The rest is a tedious sludge walking grind lol. But still having a decent time with it
Played through it twice, loved it, but its not like Tenchu or DS/BB where I want to go back through it again. But glad they are supporting the game and balancing it.
@lonesamurai00: You no like, you no buyyyyy. Lol seriously though. Its all a matter of preference. Story wise in fighting games, MK out does em all. Just my opinion. And I actually enjoy playing the normal fighting parts of MK
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