great quote by Greg Rucka - 'You're buying books you hate,' -talking to people at Greg's spotlight up at a comic-con panel(or something of the like) '...YOU GOTTA STOP DOING THAT!'
i think suggesting that buying a product only reinforces the Behavior of the creator. GOOD or BAD.
good example - the success of call of duty is only enabled by the massive sales accumulated.
another eg. - looking at Gundam games in Japan, they're everywhere. only cause people still buy it. even though its obviously time to move on.
Ive been in a position that i have bought games just because of the name on the cover. you are doing it too. even if it is crap. its just enabling them.
the sad part is it takes 2 new 'crappy versions' of a series, for the people making the game/comic(movie) to realize its time to stop doing what they're doing.
iminsanescott's comments