@scottyp360: Yeah....the WWE is reminding me of the WCW when they let David Arquette have the strap and made Buff Bagwell's mom Judy half of the tag team champs.
@pongman75: True....True........True. Those matches without the pyrotechnics, the jumbotron and the million dollar contracts were much better than anything today because you got to see them MAYBE once or twice a year instead of every Monday night. Plus at least there was some resemblance to kayfabe.......now it is just ridiculous.
Fans are force fed matches McMahon and Triple H want instead of matches the fans want because McMahon and Triple H know better than the fans. So the fans now have TWO part time belt holders. Dont worry if you missed Wrestlemania ....you can catch the same matches tonight or next Monday night on Raw....except for Lesnar and Taker.....they only wrestle a couple times a year......
@drnknnmd: wow......you have no idea about basic economics, do you? According your logic you can not find a Nintendo Switch in any store because everyone has bought them up. Go to your local community college and enroll in economics 101 ............today.
Old fart alert ........................... If someone would have told me a 20 years ago that Toys R Us would be out of business with Sears and Kmart following, malls would be struggling while uptown small shops were thriving, I would have said they were crazy. Call it the internet effect. Capitalism is really an ever changing playing field.
@sakaixx: With unemployment being the lowest it has been in decades this may be a blessing in disguise for these employees. You know with Toys R Us struggling they were not paying much. Now maybe these employees will find better jobs.
@patricksz You should move to Chicago. Some of the strictest gun laws in the country.....yet more people are murdered every month in this one city than have been killed in mass shootings over the last year in the whole country.
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