We need MORE government control over things. Just look at how healthcare premiums dropped like crazy once the government took over with Obamacare. OK.....well mine didn't. It actually tripled. But at least now I am force to pay for maternity insurance in case I decide as a 51 year old man I want to have a baby !!!!
@Greyfox-101: Lets look at the cell phone example again. Why isn't Verizon the behemoth it once was? Two words..... free market. The free market will dictate what consumers want and what price they are willing to pay. Always has and always will. Let one company screw its customers and another smaller company will be waiting in the wings to offer better service at a lower price.
@Myron117 ummmmmm...................how can sites be throttled DURING election times when this clearly gives the government LESS power over the internet.
@nedlowe1972 Actually, things were BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!! Look how quickly the internet took off. I can guarantee if the government had its filthy paws in it since day one we would still be singing the praises of dial up.
Cell phones were invented in 1973. It took that freaking long for them to come into the mainstream because the government had their hand in the pot (and Ma Bell had her hand stuffing money in the pockets of politicians to keep cell phones down for as long as possible). Other countries have faster internet at lower prices than the U.S. because the government is not running the show. When competition sets the standards on the free market service goes up and prices come down. You are REALLY going to trust some old white politician that still uses a Blackberry with the internet ?!??!?!?!?!?!
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