@doctor_mg The name Nintendo would not have been uttered except in third world countries last Christmas A) If they would not have released the NES Classic or B) If they had released an appropriate number of NES Classics. For every monkey knocking the NES Classic there were 20 monkeys salivating over it's release.....that is why there was no excuse for a shortage. I had never dipped my toe into the emulation pond before but since seeing Nintendo's pure disdain for it's customers I can say I am the proud owner of a Raspberry Pi running RetroPie with about 1200 ROMS (all of which I own the cartridge for.....of course). The Switch was going to be a first day purchase for me....but now, it MAY be a 2018 purchase as I have beaten BoTW and don't see much on the horizon that makes me want to play Nintendo's hide and seek games.
@doctor_mg ....and the NES Classic? A system that was announced in June to much anticipation of millions of fans? A system with the chipset of a calculator? It was intentionally shortbaked to create an intentional shortage because Nintendo had absolutely nothing else last holiday season except a dead console and no big title releases. They lied and said the interest caught them by surprise......although any monkey with a computer could see months and months ahead of release that there was a fever interest in it. Then they lied and said they were discontinuing production to concentrate on the Switch......then announced a couple months later that they were going to release the SNES Classic. Once or twice may be a mistake..............but time and time again is not.
@doctor_mg Let me clarify......they have intentional shortages. You can not have the longest track record in video game history going back over 3 decades and still have the number of shortages Nintendo has. It is either very bad management or intentional.....and a video game company with over 3 decades of experience should not at this point have bad management.
@Pyrosa Nintendo knew last year when people went ape crap at the announcement of the NES Classic that it was going to be in high demand.....but they did not care. The NES Classic was just a tool for Nintendo to stay relevant during a holiday season when they had a dead console and no hit games releasing. Then they say that they are stopping production to concentrate on the Switch.......just to announce a couple months later that they are going to produce an SNES Classic. Anyone who believes this crap is a special kind of stupid......
@7tizz Nintendo wasn't late with the Classic NES. They just needed something ....... anything ..... to be relevant last Christmas season when they had a long dead console and no decent games releasing. So they announce the NES Classic in June....build up hype....then shortbake the production to drive up a "shortage" and keep them relevant.....all at the expense of their customers.
@Kaiser499 True...... but unlike the NES & SNES Classics you will actually be able to find one of these on store shelves instead of having to pay $300 for a $60 underbaked system.
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