@Pyrosa: stop living your life on youtube, go to see Toy Story on cinema, grab your GF or BF, go there, buy a big bag of popcorn, drink a beer/coke, whatever your want, just go out, hang out with real people, stop being a youtubot !!! :-)))
@kingjeremy77: he is right, his argument is well argued, for a Mass Effect game 6/10 is a solid score, i'll note it with 5/10. Tho for Sass Effect as new IP can be 8/10.
@iaruelas: wow, "Sony is going broke", really ?! i can't stop laughing, so Sony is a victim of some conspiracy chain lead by Microsoft with Apple and Samsung ... you should write a book about it, will be a new fly over a cuckoo's nest hit.
yesterday, when i've tried to land first time on EOS after one hour spended in CC and in prologue, no cut scene, only black screen with loading indicator. It happpens on all platforms, i've searched on google and answer hq, there is no solution, seems this game is a waste of my time.
@themonkde: for a Mass Effect game is 6/10, for a Sass Effect game worth 8,5/10. If you don't have prejudices regarding ME franchise you'll have a lot of fun playing SP and especially MP.
My only issue are characters, everything is black skinned, is dark, you cannot choose proper white skin for your female Ryder.
iohannfus2015's comments