for sure the review score will be 8 on Gamespot ... anyway, i still have no time for my new ps4 pro but i am waiting for my 3 weeks vacation to play The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV (eight on GS).
@thomasn7: even 7 is a big hit for WD2, a hipsterish-stealthy based game where you cannot hide one body and cover system is like a hide and seek game for retarded people
already love this game, i am sick and tired about watch dogs 2 hipsterish like style of latest open world games so FF XV is a welcomed addition for a peacefull and funny offline christmas holiday.
with every day and every article GS is transforming into a dreaming trolling land of new generation of hipsters ... oh look, a red car with black wheels, oh it is so awkward, put pink wheels !!!
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