@yukushi: there are chests in game but you can purchase them from in-game vendors with in-game currency, it is not like SW Battlefront 2, also you can craft or loot everything through game story side missions (materials, weapons, armors, etc)
@maximumfallout: i am not talking about guns and cards or emotes, i am talking about crafting stuff who can be obtain only from loot boxes (every gun or mod or upgrade can be maded with crafting materials), i don't like that, it smells like pay2win ... though i pray to be wrong on my feeling and your words to be true, not a new MEA mockery :-)
another pay-to-win game, of course it is EA franchise now but even in open beta loot crate' crafting materials have a preview, preparing your wallets for another money sucker vacuum ... good job EA, another franchise compromised ... despite loot cranes the gameplay is fantastic, fun and good looking
@preetz04: sorry, but it's your issue if you get bored after playing PES one single hour, it's a true fact you don't understand football (not soccer) as a sport, with his tactics, strategy, what is meant to be field positioning, ball physic and movement aswell players, it'a perfect illustration of a blank generation who never kick a ball on a football pitch and just watches on TV some teams from different cities or different countries.
Don't be lazy,1 hour of searching on your searching engine browser you can have all teams real, with real players, with real stats, that can give you a real experience of football, not just playing a TV game show.
iohannfus2015's comments