Even if they did that, they'd only do it to compete with ps3's hardware (bluray, more powerful cell, etc), and to fix all those hardware failure problems, therefore, there'd be no ps4. Andrew_Xavier
so if m$ announce a xbox 3 in the end of 2008 or 2009 then will sony also make a new system (ps4)?????????i would cry if they do that because i just spend 500 on my ps3 and if they all the sudden announce a ps4 just to keep up with the market...i would not be very happy.....wat do u think
[QUOTE="iqballo"]for a ps2 because its more reliable :)HellRazer360
haha i gotta agree with that one...oh and by the way dont you mean a ps3...unless you want old gen:?
if i talk about ps3 then everone will call me "fanboy...and all that crap" so i went with the ps2....and i have the fat ps2 from lunch and it still works!!!!!!!!!!!
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