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irish_eyes_89 Blog

This site

I am so bored with this site. All there is are little kids being stupid on the forums. This site is just really really annoying know. Well it probably always have been but I just realized how stupid it is now.

Sexy Princess

I finally had my first kiss. But to bad it was somebody I didn't like. But I can't say any more that I havent been kissed.

All I have been doing is watching is watching funny videos with Jeff and Matt Hardy. They are funny guys. Everybody should go and watch Matt and Jeff-Troll Bridge. It is so funny. Well at least I think so.

I hope that everybody had a fun and safe 4th of July. I can't wait to go see the movie Transformers. And I can't wait to see the new Harry Potter movie.

Well I am going to go watch some more videos of Matt and Jeff Hardy.

I got....

I got my first sun burn of 2007. It doesn't feel good. I haven't got a sun burn in so long. This one is just so annoying. It is on my shoulders. And my face is a little sun burned.

So I haven't been on here in the longest time. My thing fixed it self. It says I am Level 4 again. So I am happy about that. I think I am going to go to the movies this week to see 1408. It looks really really good.

Well I am tired and have to clean my room and stuff. And I think I am going to go in my pool.

I hope that everybody has a fun and safe summer.

Bringing Sexy Back

I am back to watching wrestling. I love it!:) The only reason I watch it is to watch Jeff and Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore.

Well I think that is all I have to say for now.

Good day

Good day. Today only 5 hours of sleep it sucks. Right now I am watching my annoying dog. I just found out last nite that I missed 2 episodes of Supernatural. One I already saw. And one I still need to see.

Another rainy day

Another rainy day. So much fun. Stuck listening to music. And waiting to watch Traveler. Tomorrow I start my diet. Oh joy. I actually have to start exercising to lose weight. I have to lose 10 pounds before the end of summer. I would really like to lose the weight before all my family comes in July but that isn't going to happen.

Lately I have been watching old episodes of Supernatural. Man are the episodes good. I can't wait til the Second Season comes on DVD. Then that is all I will we watching until the 3rd season comes. And then I will tape the episodes because my mom loves to watch them. I can't believe it I would have never watched the show. But mom said the night it preimered hey Sarah come watch this show it looks so good. Then I came in her room watched the show and became instantly hooked.

Lets see anything else happen. Nope. I have to get a job. But I have to have gas money so I can go places.

So hot!

It is so hot here that it isn't even funny. The pool feels like bath water. So not cool.

Also I am so bored!!!!!!!!!! It is so not funny.


I am 17 years old. My favorite show in the entire world would happen to be Supernatural.


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