I should probobly do daily or semi-daily installments of 4 movies, yea ill try doing that, so here are 4 more of my favs! An again, these are good movies i think, you should check them out if you need something to see.
Star Wars- A New Hope: All of you should know this one, and with the old-school heart of the 1st trilogy, i feel this is the best one from the set, even though it has the lamest lightsaber fights.
The General: This movie is super old, before all of us were born. This movie was made around the turn of the century, around 1900. It is about this train conductor who gets into a giant mess through many different things. I cant remember too much of it though, cuz i last saw it a year ago and never found it on DVD :(
Iron Man: This movie kicked Major Butt this summer. It was one of the better ones this summer, at least of the movies that i got to see. It is about Mr. Stark who is kidnapped by terrorists and he escapes using his prototype iron man suit. he eventually streamlines the design and the story goes from there.
The Dark Knight: Who can forget this movie with all the critic acclaim and all of everyone seeing it. This movie was the only other movie i saw this summer that i compare to Iron man. This movie is about Batman with throat cancer (jk :)) And the Joker terrorizes the city and two face also is involved in a minor way, and this movie comes to a shocking conclusion.
the cool part is, that This is helping the immage of the SUperhero movie, because with 2 blockbusters, people may be more prone to make good superhero movies.
O, and just to throw this out there, if someone has a PS3 out there that they arent using, just give me a shout and ill be glad to take it off your hands. :)
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