Everything about this game was epic except the combat. They should have added an action combat system for the remaster. This game would have been 10 times more fun with faster combat that you actually controlled. If it would have upset fans by changing the combat, let them pick between classic or action combat.
@Arsyad00: Take the story out of The Witcher 3 and it would be a 3/10. Weak combat, clunky controls, terrible skill trees, lack of progression when leveling, terrible inventory system, lack of dungeons, tons of bug and glitches, etc.
All that being said, I still really like The Witcher 3.
@jf79: When I played through the Witcher 3 it had more bugs/glitches than all 50 of my PS4/XB1 games put together. I actually set a timer to see if I could go 10 minutes playing TW3 without a bug/glitch lol. I still love the game, but it was an absolute mess the first few months.
@ditronus: I love this game, but for it to be perfect it would need better combat, a better leveling system, better magic spells, better crafting, less buggy at launch, and a better balance of talking and actually playing the game.
@JohnMafia: Bug outrage? I personally haven't had a single bug in Fallout 4. The Witcher 3 was the buggiest game that I have ever played in 25+ years of gaming. I still really like though.
This looks better than just about every game that I have for PS4 and Xbox One. I am not sure why people are complaining about the graphics. The attention to detail is amazing.
The same thing happened with Skyrim a couple days before release. Someone posted 480p videos of gameplay. People said the graphics suck. Then the game came out and looked awesome.
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