I own pretty much every Tales game that has came to the US. I have been a fan of the series since the beginning.
There is a few things about Zestiria that bother me. Everything in the world is so flat. The world feels very empty and boring, and not a step up from previous games.
I don't like the combat as much as Vesperia, Symphonia, Abyss, and Xillia. I don't like the new camera view in battle either. I do like the story so far. Hopefully as I get further into it the combat will grow on me.
Is there a patch on Xbox One? I heard there was a 5gb update that improves the lighting and graphics, and fixes the frame rate. If there is I can't get the game to update. I uninstalled it and re-installed it 3 times. The game size says 5.5gb on mine. It's almost unplayable in the current state.
I don't understand this terrible review score. I have been playing it for hours and I love it. The review from gameinformer is spot on. I like this game way better than Dark Souls or The Witcher 2.
I put over 200 hours on Skyrim on the 360. After watching these videos about the mods, I ordered an new video card and power supply. I am pumped to play the PC version with all these awesome mods. I am going to download all the ones that are featured in these vids.
ironmonk36's comments