1. Have you ever had the Disc Read Error? Nope 2. How many times have you sent console to Sony for ANY reason? 0 3. How much breathing room does your PS3 have on all sides? (i.e. 1 foot, 6 inches, etc.) Top = 15 cms+ Back = 20 cms+? 4. Has your system ever locked up to where it wouldn't respond to the PS button? Once 5. What model do you have and how long have you had it? 60Gb model, over a year now. 6. How often do you play in a given week? If i have a new game around 5-6x a day. Otherwise hardly. 7. Are you meticulous about how you handle your discs? (i.e. no fingerprints, scratches) Yes 8. Do you think your console has ever been bricked by a particular game? Never bricked before 9. How often do you clean your system for dust and things like that? I keep a dust-free cloth ove rit when not in use. Clean now and then when i clean my room so once a fortnight. 10. Do you download PSN games? And if so, how often do you play them? Yeah now and then, Warhawk and Tekken. Don't play them anymore.
Have you ever told a lie? Yes Have you ever stolen anything? Yes Have you ever looked with lust? Yes Have you ever hated anyone? Yes Have you ever used God's name in vain? Like as a swear word? Yes
Whoops, i voted good before reading the questions...Guess i'm bad then lol
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