So, three games.... Ashen and The Last Night, from what I heard, are timed exclusives. So, $500 for three games. I thought they had something to look forward to.
@gamingdevil800: Erica is a female post surgery. The other characters knew her in the past, they were all friends. If you have gotten all the endings, you find out that she was once Eric.
@Wraith3: I know it sucks.... I love the game, but I basically play online like it’s single player. It sucks that it has to be that way, but there is so much cool shit.
I’m confused.... was Sony not good? With a ton of exclusives, Horizon: Zero Dawn being a strong contender for game of the year, and the go to for VR, Sony fell short. Nintendo had a stellar year, yet it really only had three original titles. Don’t get me wrong, Zelda (which will probably take GOY) and Mario were fantastic. But that’s really it. Xbox had the Scorpio, but that’s it. So am I missing something....
@spiddyman007: No sorry. I loved the need for speed series back in the day. But now between the horrible character element and this “heist mode nonsense” it’s bad. Then from there you have a loot crate system (which generates random parts)to upgrade your car rather than saving money and being able to buy the parts. It’s a beautiful game, and the Burnout Paradise crash mode is amazing. That doesn’t make the game a good game. To each their own, but EA has really ruined this franchise.
@sellingthings: When you see something like EA claiming that single player games are dead but all these great single player titles, both recieveing audience and critical acclaim; it’s ridiculous to listen to a company like them. You may not agree with the ratings, but that if you cannot acknowledge the greatest that came from this year and all the single player campaigns, I cannot help you. To each their own.
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