j23j2j68's forum posts
your so right, this game is complete garbage, a majorrrrr letdown, ufc 2009 is better and for some reason got worse reviews, i garantee ea pays for good reviews, madden has become a glitchfestBefore i am a big gamer, but before that I am a die hard sports fan and competitor. The sports I love so much is MMA and Boxing, the combat sports. UFC isn't bad for a start of a franchise, its very realistic and when you get good it involves a great deal of strategy. What makes me most inspired by the UFC is that their is a counter for everything, but the game is unbalanced (GSP in the Welter).Although Ienjoyed UFC I was greatly looking forward to fight night round 4, i loved 3 but I had a feeling that 4 was going to improve upon the faliures ofround3.
When i got my copy of thegame I was surprised that this game that was advertise as sim has now took a turn for the worse. Its not sim at all, for one instance is the body punching and spamming, ppl online with no strategy come out and throw bodypunches all dayor switch to straight spamming, its very annoying for a person who knows the in and out of the sport to come online and see this. Whats most annoying about this is how effective it is, when u try to box smart it has lil to no effect on these players because either one of two things happen, 1st they might score on the cards because for some reason in fight night it doesnt matter how many punches u land cleanly, only the amount that has been thrown. 2nd u try to counter but it shows lil to no effect. body punching should take over the course of the fight, its like putting money in the bank u dont see results until later on the fight. on the game it takes place almost instantly
the stamina bar is pathetic if a guy throws too much he should be gassed n later on exhausted in the fight, any real boxer knows throwing so much can be sucide even if they are somewhat landing that big shot is the one that hurt. What makes me up set is how people can keep throwing, at least in round 3 a fighter would get gassed from throwing too much in a combination and can hurt ur endurance later in a fight. This is no where to be found in this game that claims it sim. the movement is somewhat unrealistic and especially how many punches are thrown while spamming in the same hand i hate round 3 but art least when someone tried the same tatic they got gassed or counter with that unrealistic parry.
another thing is footwork, it barely exist and for the constant spammer it can suck the smart boxer in with no escape so he cant get out of trouble and allows the spammer to get in body shot or straight after straight.
my biggest gripe with ea and round 4 is why do they award the idiot fighter and condemn the boxing ethusatist and followers of the sport. This game is a GAME no where close to the gaming sim i was tricked into believing it was. I thought this will be the game where i can fight a smart fight and finally show the idiots there exploits don't work and when someone combinds know how and gaming skills it can be deadly. but ea proved me wrong and will do the same in madden.
curse this game and curse the hype disappointed to the max
no your have it wrong, they say 9 years passed from the shadow moses incident (mgs1) and 5 years passed from the big shell incident (mgs2), mgs 4 is supposed to take place around 2014, so i guess mgs2 takes place around 2009, and mgs1 takes place around 2005This topic doesnt make sense... Snake has always been cool... and he's not old... if anyone payed attention, only a year passed... its the foxdie...
i couldnt agree more, i know microsoft hassssss to pay off alot of these sites to be so biased, its ok tho, ps3 still rules over all systems, i remember when ps1 came out nobody had it for like2 years after release, people were still on sega genesis and super nes(First of all Im pretty sure someone else has mentioned this many off time's before, I'm just not sure, with that being said.....)
Has anyone every realized that when you are in the PS3 section and you click to view game images (screen shot's) or game trailers...it alway's opens the images and trailers for a X360. Not the PS3 screens you wanted,but images of the same game for X360, why does it do that? Im not even in Xbox section, but I click on PS3 and that = Xbox?? I thought this site was equal for all systems, but more and more it looks likeXbox fan boy, even with the game ratings. PS3=7.9 Xbox=8.0 (just a fake, but true example) It's like we are in the cold war olympic's for games, where russia being game spot and the way it rate's PS3, ha.
[QUOTE="PoisoN_Facecam0"]READ the STICKIES! you can't make these types of threads....taplokDude, i'm not sure, but i know i read it somewhere here... are you the one who use to be here in the PS3 forums a lot, and with a username that starts with "A"? btw, i think UFC really rocks! who me? no i just made an account, i like ufc but i loved the old street fighter games
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