"Should Big E successfully cash in, he will be only the fourth Black WWE Champion ever."
And this is why racism is still alive and well. His race shouldn't have anything to do with it what so ever and no one should care about it either. But you can't perpetuate the racism in this country without bringing it up were it isn't needed or looked at.
not entirely true... WWE counts the World Heavyweight Championship belt as a "WWE Championship" win, or else John Cena/HHH/HBK/Flair ect. would have less overall championships (if they were only counting the WWE Championship belt)
So going by "WWE Champions" as a whole there are more than 4, just off the top of my head,
since E DID win...
1. Big E
2. Mark Henry (World championship)
3. Booker T (World Championship as King Booker)
4. Kofi Kingston
5. Bobby Lashley
and there probably is more... hell, technically "The Rock" is black also, his daddy was black (Rocky Johnson RIP)
Greenberg has confirmed Starfield AND Elder Scrolls 6 are definitely Xbox/PC only games.
the writing was on the wall... XBOX lost the last console battle, in large part to NOT having enough exclusives (and good ones at that) i.e they bought a developer that already had the games...
especially games that the competition (Sony) probably hates to lose out on, merely for the fact that Sony knows it was going to piss off a lot of it's console owners... NOT because they were afraid of losing revenue, its known fact Sony already have a large number of first party exclusives that XBOX fans would love to get their hands on, they don't really need Starfield or Elder Scrolls (and all this is coming for a MS fan) theres like 10 PS fanboys for every 1 XBOX fan. Lol
So all the playstation fanboys out there bitching... Let MS have this one, They spent the big bucks, the sellers (ZeniMAX) must have loved MS offer, because they took the money, So it was apparently a great deal for everyone involved... except PS fans... just like it was with XBOX fans when Bloodborne, Spider-Man, Horizon zero dawn, Last of us 1 & 2, God of War ECT. was released...
Like i said, Let MS have the win this time... Still doesn't mean that MS is winning the console war, or whatever... PS fanboys love to claim THAT one.
competition is a GREAT thing, it forces MS and PS (sony) to try their best... and when that happens... beautiful games, works of art, are born.
@saadred: there's a difference between having your own internal studios create exclusives versus buying out a large company with in house devs and established IPs
^^^ This dude took the words out my mouth.
can't fault a company for buying an already established brand... happens all the time, in every industry.
Bend over, spread your cheeks, and prepare for the next "load" of recycled shit...
seriously their not even trying.
the funny thing is Bungie is trying to bring back VETs with the return of "gally" (not to mention the 1Kys and luna) but, what they don't realize is... *THAT* gally moment for D1 CAN'T be recaptured, and to rub salt in the cut, if i understood correctly, Bungie is charging money to "unlock" the quest?!
Don't waste your money on nerfed, recycled, material.
the weapons will NEVER be as strong as their D1 counterparts.
maybe it's just me, but talking as a person that spent THOUSANDS of hours in the world of Destiny, I guess I've become burnt out...
Destiny was my favorite game, and i ain't going to lie, i do miss it from time to time, but after a year now of not playing it, and after watching, and reading about updates (like the recent reveal stream) It makes me forget about the game that much more... thats how i get by not playing it anymore... got sick of the reskinned, recycled content, and the lazy storytelling, and realized there are other games out there (just took nearly a decade to see the light lol)
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