I watched a video on YT a few nights ago about this movie, I learnt that Chris Farley was the original Voice actor of Shrek, and that the studio recorded most of his lines, before he (Chris) died.
I would really like it if the studio included a version or a toggle in the options for Chris Farley's voice over instead. Not sure if they already did this in a past release, or if it will ever happen, it would be cool though...
The video on YT had like a short 5 sec clip of a scene in the movie with Farley voicing Shrek... It was pretty interesting to hear the difference, all be it for a few seconds.
I understand why it's done, but i absolutely hate how anyone sees these shows before the rest of us. Not that anything is spoiled, just sucks we have to wait..... :(
Mighty Molly definitely deserves to be inducted, and is LONG overdue. She was always one of the female wrestlers i always respected, watching thru the years.
Not only is she a great athlete, but shes a "good sport" (getting her head shaved) and always brought her own type of beauty to the ring.
She never really needed to do the typical "cat fight" matches, She had the athleticism and "the look" to leap over that barrier, and be what the Women currently in WWE are trying desperately to achieve... to be taken more than just a "sex object"
@jeremyalexander: I don't think that's true. I've had a korean friend call me honky, cracker, white devil, it's all just been for shits and giggles. He's not a racist, I love the guy.
Yeah Because you and your buddy are cool with each other... Would you feel the same way if it was a stranger off the street? Me personally, Racial shit like that is nothing new. Never bothered me... I'd either say something back or pop them in the mouth... The way it should be handled, if someone wants to run their mouth.
I know where your coming from though, My best friend is Black, and we make racial jokes about each others race all the time... Because we've known each other for nearly 20 years, so we know each other is just F'N around.
My big thing is that you hear all the "White jokes" (some of the ones you mentioned above) and yet, no one give a F in the media, television shows or movies (including MOST whites) I heard something on the News a few weeks ago, that some celebrity posted on their instagram, something negative about White people, and yet that didn't stop the converge of the celebrity, what they said, or the News reporters laughing about it... Put the shoe on one of the other foots, and i bet that shit wouldn't have even been said, reported on, or laughed about. (especially without some sort of punishment to the reporters and/or celebrity, by way of fan or viewer backlash)
but, Lord forgive anyone that brings up something racily negative (joke or not) against a Black/Hispanic/Asian ECT...
We would just be hearing about how "insensitive" it was, and how the "hatred" has to stop.
All I'm saying is, If you can't take the shit... You shouldn't be dishin' it.
I'm glad for XBOX. It's time for them to shine a bit... Sony can never get even better if they don't have actual competition. It's a Win/Win for gamers on all sides (one way or another)
Now if Microsoft is smart, The AAA titles would be exclusive, not "timed" (Starfield, Fallout, Doom, Elder Scrolls ECT) certain titles and series like, The Evil Within, Prey, Wolfenstein, Rage and possibly the Dishonored series, They should make "timed" exclusives, That way Microsoft will still get a piece of the pie at some point with those franchises, while keeping the AAA gold exclusive to XBOX (to try and boost hardware sales)
Your "list" may differ than mine, but that's what I'd like to see from XBOX/Microsoft...
Luckily for me i don't have to choose, but there is quite a few out there, that either CAN'T, or don't have the time, or need for 2 or 3 consoles (let alone 3 consoles and a PC)
It's a Hobby of mine though, so to each there own.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments